Can You Recycle Tupperware

Find Out If You Can Recycle Your Branded and Non-branded Tupperware

Determining whether Tupperware can be recycled can be a bit difficult. This is because you have both the brand Tupperware and the fact that Tupperware is often used as a generic name for any plastic container used to store food.

All Tupperware branded products can be recycled. Off-brand plastic and rubber food storage containers are recyclable if they have a recycle symbol with a 1 or 2. Recycle symbols 4 and 5 can be recycled in many areas, but not all. All other recycle symbols are not normally recyclable.

Can Tupperware-Branded Containers Be Recycled?

All Tupperware products over the last few years can be recycled. Although, if you have some older Tupperware, you will want to check its logo. If the recycling symbol has either a 1 or a 2, you are ‘good to go.’ If the number is anything else…then check the next section.

Most importantly, all Tupperware can be taken to your standard recycling center. However, Tupperware also runs a scheme where you can send your old Tupperware to them. Head to any of their distributors, and they will probably tell you exactly what you need to do.

Can all Non-Branded Tupperware Be Recycled?

So, how about that off-brand stuff? Well, it is all going to be dependent on the recycling logo on there.

If the number is 1 or 2, you can take it to any recycling center. This is standard recyclable plastic.

The item cannot be recycled if the number is 3, 6, or 7. Sadly, this is something that is going to need to go into the standard trash can. You can’t do much about that.

This is all due to how the plastic has been manufactured. They have been packed to the brim with chemicals, meaning they are almost impossible to separate.

Tupperware Recycling

It is very, very annoying. Thankfully, we are starting to cut back on the number of plastics that are not recyclable, e.g., you have probably seen that more and more companies are looking to cut back on the production of PVC.

So, this leaves two numbers. You have numbers 4 and 5. So, can these be recycled? Well, it all depends on where you live.

Is Vintage Tupperware Dangerous?

Vintage Tupperware can be hazardous to your health! Tupperware made before 2010 has the potential to leach harmful hormone-changing BPAs into your food. Tupperware made several decades ago has even tested positive for lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium!

Not all recycling centers will be able to accept these plastics. This is because they are going to be a lot harder to recycle.

Not everybody will have the equipment available for this. That being said, there are programs throughout the United States where you can send in plastics with the number 4 or 5 on them without any issues. It is an extra step you will need to take, but at least you will keep the Tupperware out of a landfill.

How Do You Prepare Tupperware for Recycling?

It doesn’t take that much effort to prepare your Tupperware for recycling. All you need to do is ensure that it is completely clean.

Yes. It will be cleaned a little bit during the recycling process, but it will often sit around for a long time before that.

If you do not clean it off, then mold will grow. There is a chance that this could hamper the recycling process ever so slightly.

If you can, try to ensure that you have the lid on top of the Tupperware. It isn’t vital, but many recycling centers seem to suggest this, so we feel that you should try to do it if you can. You can’t do this if you do not have the lid for your Tupperware.

What Happens When Tupperware is Recycled?

It depends on the process that the recycling center will be using. All of it will start with the plastic being washed, though.

In most cases, the Tupperware will be ground up with all other plastic. As it is ground up, it will make very, very small grains. The idea is that these grains will be easier to process than if the Tupperware was complete.

Once everything is a powder, it is melted down and then purified. Once the plastic has been melted down, it can be made into completely new items.

Can You Put Tupperware In the Normal Trash?

You can. Although, you may have to look into the laws for your area. Some towns and cities may prohibit putting plastic inside the normal trash can.

Do remember that we absolutely would not recommend that you put Tupperware inside a standard trash can, though. This is because one of two things will happen:

  • The Tupperware will be sent to a landfill.
  • The Tupperware will be burned.

If the Tupperware is sent to a landfill, the plastic will start releasing all of those awful chemicals into the surrounding soil. This will eventually get into the local water supply.

It makes the area surrounding a landfill virtually uninhabitable for centuries to come. Certainly, no plants will be able to grow on the land.

If the Tupperware is burned, toxic fumes will be sent into the atmosphere. We are almost certain that you know just how bad this will be.

In addition, if the plastic is not recycled, it increases the demand on the plastic industry to produce more new plastic. This is much more polluting than recycling.

In our opinion, if you can recycle something, then you should always be recycling it. No exceptions. It isn’t that difficult to do.

Can You Repurpose Tupperware Any Other Way?

If you have Tupperware in reasonably good condition, i.e., it is not stained or cracked, then you can take it to your local charity shop or thrift store. This is something that will sell quite well for them. This means they will be more than happy to take it off your hands.


Determining whether Tupperware can be recycled can be difficult due to the use of the brand name as a generic term for any plastic container used to store food. However, all Tupperware-branded products can be recycled if they have a recycle symbol with a 1 or 2. Off-brand plastic and rubber food storage containers are also recyclable if they have a recycle symbol with a 1 or 2. However, recycle symbols 4 and 5 can be recycled in many areas, but not all.

It is important to note that vintage Tupperware before 2010 can be hazardous to health due to the potential of leaching harmful hormone-changing BPAs into food. To prepare Tupperware for recycling, it is important to ensure that it is completely clean and, if possible, try to keep the lid on top of the container. The recycling process for Tupperware includes washing, grinding, melting, and purifying the plastic.

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