Can You Throw It Away?
The environment is one of the most important things we will ever have entrusted to us, and every single person in the world can change it in a positive or negative way.
Can You Throw It Away is committed to helping you properly dispose of all kinds of waste and also provides ideas to help you reuse your old items. The company’s mission is to make recycling and reusing easy for people in the modern world, so they can reduce their environmental impact. Can You Throw It Away has a team that are passionate about sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint on the planet.
They offer tips and tricks on how you can reuse or recycle items from your home or office and even provide instructions on breaking down items into their component parts when its helpful!
Joe Walker
Joe Walker is a 20 year veteran in the environmental industry. He has done everything from volunteering at cleanups to coordinating large-scale projects for government agencies and non-profit organizations. Joe blogs about his experiences with a particular focus on how people can make changes that will benefit the environment as well as themselves.
He believes that change starts with individuals, but it doesn’t end there: “To be an effective advocate for protecting our environment, we have to stop looking outside ourselves and start focusing on what we can do within.”